
Lyria key

Striking and creative illustrations and designs


As a child, I was completely mesmerized by my mother's collection of art books and prints. The masterpieces within seemed like pure magic, utterly unattainable. It was hard to believe that real people were capable of creating such awe-inspiring works. As I entered my teenage years and felt the pressure to choose a career.

I realized nothing else could bring me the same level of fulfilment as embarking on a journey that once seemed impossible: the pursuit of creating art myself.

Born: 2001.07.18 / Germany

My painting's original work and Commissions alike are made with passion and intent.

I always intend to utilise symbolism, colour palettes, and lighting techniques to effectively communicate intricate narratives and evoke emotions. Collaborating with fellow creatives is invaluable to me, as it broadens my horizons and helps me to create the best work possible.

My background

Work Experience

  • Since 2019, I've worked on a variety of projects crafting intricate fantasy artworks.

  • In 2021 I started my journey in book cover Illustration and Design.

I've had the opportunity to work across a diverse range of genres including horror, thriller, self-help, young adult, romance, and more.


Birth of destiny

Aug 23, 2022, cover illustration/design

Thomas Ingleby

And the tale of the Golden Fairy

Mar 30, 2023, cover illustration/design

Ashen reign

Jan 12, 2022 cover illustration/design

The Animaldian

Sep 15, 2022 cover illustration/design

Die kinder von Ragnarök

Aug 19, 2022 cover illustration/design

Viel Zu Nett und krank

Oct 30, 2022 cover illustration/design

La ninfa di efram

May 13, 2023 cover illustration/design



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